Farewell, Conan.

Farewell, Conan.

A usual day at work/home for Conan: Running around the narrow terrain of our backyard-slash-fishpond, looking out for the rest of the family.

A eulogy written by my dad for our beloved Conan, who recently succumbed to a serious tick infection:

Always loyal, always suspicious of strangers, always alert, always on guard, always ready to protect but ever intelligent and obedient to his masters! Thank you for all those years you made us feel so secure by your watch. You will be the yardstick and standard by which all future guard dogs will be measured. Rest now God’s faithful creation and bring our love and gratitude!

I don’t really know what Margot could have said but my sister Girlie captured her reaction on camera while she was being told of the bad news.

Margot, forlorn and broken

I am still not over you. I love you always, Conan. Our family will miss you so dearly.